Plane Symmetric Cosmological Model with Interacting Dark Matter and Holographic Dark Energy using Special form of Deceleration Parameter
Hits: 2872
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2014
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Plane Symmetric Cosmological Space-Time, Interacting Dark Fluids, A Special Form of Deceleration Parameter, State Finder Parameters, Coincidence Problem
- Authors:
- V. B. Raut; K. S. Adhav; D. K. Joshi
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 2
- Number:
- 6
- Pages:
- 523-527
- Month:
- November
- Abstract:
- In this paper, we have solved the Einstein's field equations for the space time described by a plane symmetric metric with interacting Dark Matter and Holographic Dark Energy. The solutions of the field equations have been obtained under the assumption of a special form of deceleration parameter. The physical and geometrical aspects of the model are also discussed.
Full text: IJISM_290_Final.pdf [Bibtex]