On Estimations of Parameters of Generalized Gompertz Distribution
Hits: 2887
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2015
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- Exponentiated Gompertz Distribution, Squared Error Loss Function, LINEX Loss Function, General Entropy Loss Function
- Authors:
- Hanaa H. Abu-Zinadah; Anhar S. Al-Oufi
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 3
- Number:
- 3
- Pages:
- 156-162
- Month:
- May
- Abstract:
- In this paper, we discuss the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators for the three parameters of Generalized Gompertz distribution based on Type-II censored samples. However, the Bayes estimators are studied under three different types of loss function; squared error, Linear-exponential and general entropy loss functions. Two methods are used for computing the Bayes estimates; standard Bayes and importance sampling. The performances of the estimates are compared through the mean square error by Monte Carlo simulation study.
Full text: IJISM_399_Final.pdf [Bibtex]