Exact Solutions of the Diffusion-Reaction Equation for a Coupled Shifted Harmonic Oscillator
Hits: 3022
- Select Volume / Issue:
- Year:
- 2014
- Type of Publication:
- Article
- Keywords:
- D-R equation, Complex Hamiltonian, Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
- Authors:
- Ram Mehar Singh
- Journal:
- Volume:
- 2
- Number:
- 3
- Pages:
- 320-323
- Month:
- May
- Abstract:
- We investigate the quasi-exact solutions of the diffusion-reaction equation for two dimensional non-hermitian Hamiltonian systems with in the frame work of extended complex phase space characterized by x=x_1+p_3 , p_x=p_1+x_(3 ), y=x_2+p_4 , p_y=p_2+x_(4 ). Analyticity property of the complex Hamiltonian system is exploited to obtain the explicit expressions for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for a complex shifted harmonic potential and its PT-symmetric version.
Full text:
IJISM_174_Final.pdf [Bibtex]